Youth Transport Fellowship Programme

UMI Fund and The Clean Mobility Collective are offering a new Youth Transport Fellowship Programme to fund, train and support youth activists working specifically on transport campaigns in their regions or localities. A core feature of the fellowship programme will be to upskill youth leaders, giving them the tools and experience to be the next generation of campaigners and leaders in this sector. Learning opportunities will include how to build successful campaigns, how to utilise digital, best practices in political advocacy and building effective coalitions or networks of campaigners.

About the programme: The fellowship is designed to support, train and connect the campaigners of the future. It will include a monthly financial stipend of $600 for successful fellows, for 12 months, to allow them to focus part of their time on their transport campaign work. The programme will also include a range of learning opportunities to give you the skills to craft and manage world class transport campaigns that have real and lasting impact.

Successful fellows will come together monthly (online) to connect with peers – to share knowledge, ideas, best practice and common experience to further strengthen and enhance local campaigns, and help build a global community of young transport/climate leaders. There will be a face-to-face global gathering of youth leaders in 2024.

To learn more about applying click here.

Meet our 2023 Fellows:

Ashangwa Harrison

28 years old

Harrison  is an Environmental Engineer, Climate action and Sustainability Champion with over 6 years of experience working and leading several climate action initiatives with multiple organisations. He believes that young people have a significant role to play towards ensuring a sustainable and equitable future of our planet and they need to be empowered, mentored and guided to champion change in their communities. He has been a champion of youth empowerment and leadership over the years and is currently the Executive Director of the International Student Environmental Coalition, a youth led movement in over 30 countries giving young people the organisational power, capacity, resources and community to engage in grassroots movements for climate justice and sustainable development in their communities. 

Through this Fellowship, Harrison will continue to foster youth involvement and advocacy for decarbonising the transportation sector in Cameroon. And fostering sustainable urban mobility and citizen participation across cities in Cameroon for healthier and more sustainable lifestyles. 


Alyssa Mae Darunday

Philippines, Quezon City
25 years old

Alyssa Darunday is a Quezon City-based Filipino visual artist and climate & social justice activist.

She is currently working as an advocacy officer at Kalikasan People’s Network for the Environment, a nationwide campaign centre based in the Philippines dedicated to supporting grassroots environmental campaigns for the people and the planet. Here she deals with a wide range of environmental issues such as the environmental impacts of land reclamation, mining, and megadams, as well as engaging with workers, Indigenous, fisherfolk, and urban poor communities across the country.

She also helps in mobilising volunteers and promoting the adoption of people-centred environmental policies as a convenor of Panatang Luntian (Green Pledge) Coalition. Panatang Luntian, is a broad alliance of various civil society organisations dedicated to environmental and social protection and justice by supporting community-based initiatives and lobbying key environmental policy reforms on green spaces, biodiversity conservation, public transportation, and other issues. In the coming months, she plans to step up her advocacy in climate justice and the just transition to renewable energy, with the goal of making a big contribution to Metro Manila’s growing mobility movement.

Panatang Luntian Coalition –
Kalikasan People’s Network for the Environment –

Beatrice Ann Dolores

Philippines, Manila
26 years old

Beatrice Ann, is a nature-loving artist, philanthropist, and advocate from the same hometown as one of the national heroes of the Philippines: Doctor Jose Rizal. She is trained in architecture and urban design from the Mapua University. She also participated in The Climate Reality Leadership Manila Training in 2016.  She advocates for planning that ensures biodiversity and cultural identity are at the core – specifically climate mitigating and adaptive responses like community-based placemaking, Heritage Preservation, Blue-Green Infrastructure, and Neo-Vernacular Architecture.

Her diverse work in climate advocacy spans almost 7 years, mainly focusing on arts and biodiversity regeneration. She is also the co-founder of the Renacimiento Manila, a project focusing on the rebirth of her country’s capital city. Her most ardent campaigns involve Metro Manila’s Pasig River – at risk of a planned expressway on top of the Pasig river (Pasig River Expressway) proposed by the San Miguel Corporation #NoToPAREX. She is also working on the Quiapo Heritage Zone bill that is currently in the Congress and Senate with the hopes of revitalising the area as an additional heritage tourism zone of the City of Manila. She also became part of a collaboration of Renacimiento Manila with AltMobility and Daily Cycle Manila called “Reclaiming Manila Streets into People-First Streets”, which she intends to further develop through this Fellowship.


Elvan Alifiansyah

26 years old

Elvan is Action Coordinator from Enter Nusantara, an organisation that focuses on renewable energy campaigns and installations. 

His position as the action coordinator helps to amplify grassroot problems caused by energy related companies. This position also allows him the opportunity to collaborate with youth organisations and communities in Jakarta to voice their concerns over the climate crisis among young people by carrying out creative actions.

Ezequiel Cisterna

23 years old

Ezequiel Cisterna is a 23-year-old Argentinian climate justice activist. Currently pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work, he is the founder of the Friday’s For Future chapter in the province of Santiago del Estero, Argentina; and a past member of the national movement. Aimed at strengthening and promoting intergenerational dialogue, his activism is mainly focused on creating spaces that encourage children and youth participation in environmental initiatives at a national and local level. 

He is part of the advisory council for the implementation of the comprehensive environmental education law in Argentina and the world forum of youth and mayors c40. Through this role, he accompanies Indigenous communities in resistance processes for the defence of their native lands, promotes the implementation of environmental education laws, and generates community spaces for the strengthening of collective values. 

He is also in charge of promoting tourism and sustainable mobility, generating spaces for dialogue at the university in Santiago del Estero, as well as proposing comprehensive proposals for programmes, plans and projects in public policies.  He sees sustainable mobility as a possibility to think about intergenerational, historical and cultural encounters.

He is the author of various environmental law proposals aimed at promoting sustainable development in urban and rural areas. He advise, and promotes intersectionality within the most vulnerable communities, in the advocacy for better; more equitable standards of living. 

He believes tackling the climate crisis means understanding the importance of strengthening not only environmental but also social policies, to address related issues such as inequalities.


Laura Daniela Gómez Rodríguez

Colombia, Bogota
28 years old

Laura, is the Capacity Development Manager at Youth for Road Safety (YOURS ), a global NGO that seeks to empower youth and highlight their role as advocates of road safety.

She has also held roles as a senior project manager at Despacio, a local NGO that promotes sustainable mobility and road safety in Colombian and Latin America. And is a member of the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety and the Bicycle Board of my city district

As a young woman urban bicycle user for the last 10 years, pedestrian and public transport user, she has been able to identify what needs to be done to promote sustainable mobility in her city. Through this fellowship she hopes to commit decision makers to make improvements for these modes of transport.

Madhushree Kulkarni

India, Pune
23 years old

Madhushree is passionate about actionable research, advocacy, and social work. Rooted in Marxist, anti caste, and feminist scholarship, she hopes to combine theory and practice to drive meaningful change. She is the founder of Busकरा, a citizen-centric campaign for equitable and sustainable public bus services in her hometown of Pune. Her other areas of interest include education, labour and gender.

Medha Priya

India, Bangalore
28 years old

Medha Priya is an Interaction Designer and Climate Champion. Her work focuses on connecting people with products, services, and spaces while promoting sustainability and climate action. Her work and associations include:

  • WeTheChangeNow COP’26, United Nations: Climate Champion  
  • Women Climate Collective, Loreal: Climate Leader
  • Global Shapers, World Economic Forum: Member 
  • The ClimAct Initiative: Design Lead

Neema Wangechi Karimi

24 years old

Wangechi Karimi is a Kenyan climate activist, environmental educator, and the founder of Enviro-Hension. Through her organisation, she is dedicated to unlocking the potential of communities engaged in environmental sustainability in Kenya by providing them with vital education and research. Her profound interest in carbon emissions and carbon credits has inspired her work, as she strives to mitigate climate change and foster a harmonious coexistence between humanity and the natural world.

Nii Noi Omaboe

26 years old

Nii Noi Omaboe works, researches & organises for climate, future cities, urban mobility, informal knowledge systems in Africa. He’s passionate about a future that is just, fair and equitable for both humans and the planet to co-exist. He is a member of Green Africa Youth Organisation (GAYO) and currently works as a Program Analyst at Impact Hub Accra supporting the Net Zero Accra Initiative. He is building professional experience to be City Mayor in 10 years.

Doli Rizki

23 years old

Doli Rizki is a passionate environmental and animal rights activist working as a campaigner with AFFA (Act For Farmed Animals), a joint campaign run by Animal Friends Jogja and Sinergia Animal, aimed at improving animal welfare in Indonesia.

His dedication to this cause stems from a deep sense of responsibility towards the well-being of both animals and the environment. Recognizing the adverse effects of factory farming on climate change, deforestation, and water pollution, he is determined to bring about positive change through education, advocacy, and grassroots activism.

Shamim Ahmed Mridha

26 years old

Shamim Ahmed Mridha is the founder of Eco-Network, which is one of the largest youth groups in the Asia-Pacific region. Through his “Climate School” project, he organized various workshops and training programs that provided climate education to the community people. He attended COP27, the UN Water Conference, and SB58 and is interested in working at the policy level.


Shruti Panchal

India, Mumbai,
27 years old

Shruti is Program Manager at Waatavaran Foundation, an NGO in Mumbai  that works hyperlocally to address challenges caused due to climate change. She has been actively working in the field of environment management and climate change for the past four years. Currently her work focuses on mitigating urban air pollution through action based research and community awareness programs.

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